21 ways to eat healthier

  1. As much as possible, buy in season produce. Examples: asparagus in spring, zucchini in summer, pears in fall, and leafy green’s in winter.
  2. Buy only as much fresh produce as you will use within four or so days. After that, the nutritional value decreases.
  3. Choose canned or frozen fruits and vegetables when fresh is too expensive or unavailable. Read food labels to avoid added sugar and salt.
  4. Shop at a local farmer’s market during the growing season. Produce is fresher – and often organic.
  5. When you can, pick your own berries or other produce. This also gives you a good workout.
  6. Grow your own herbs, vegetables, or fruit in a yard, patio, or sunny windowsill. It’s inexpensive – and rewarding.
  7. To prevent impulse shopping, always shop with a grocery list – and on a full stomach – to avoid unplanned purchases.
  8. Choose only 100% fruit juices. Buy fresh with the pulp when possible.
  9. Buy plain brown rice or other whole grains and add your own herbs and spices, instead of prepackaged blends (expensive and usually high in sodium).
  10. Buy plain, nonfat yogurt and add your own chopped fruit and spices (e.g., cinnamon, vanilla.) You’ll get less sugar for less money.
  11. Instead of a gallon of ice cream, buy popsicles or ice cream sandwiches. Although a little more expensive, they’ll help you control portion sizes and, in turn, save money.
  12. Make your own sandwiches so you can control the amount of mayonnaise and heap on more veggies. Choose a fiber-rich, whole-grain bread.
  13. Keep a bottle of water with you all day long instead of buying soda pop.
  14. Bring your lunch to work. Stir-fry or veggie pasta leftovers can be quickly microwaved. Plus, you won’t sit in a restaurant or wait in a cashier’s line, so you’ll have time for a midday walk.
  15. Bring snacks from home: fresh fruit salad, raisins or other dried fruits, unsalted nuts, raw veggies, baked tortilla chips, rice cakes, or crunchy whole-grain cereal.
  16. Always keep a few cans of beans on hand to use as a meat substitute in various dishes.
  17. Cut down on meat. It’s better for you and it leaves you more money to buy a variety of vegetables – even when they’re out of season.
  18. When you’re too tired or busy to cook a full meal, just make a veggie-filled sandwich or have soup and whole-grain crackers.
  19. Make your own salad dressing with olive oil, flavored vinegar, and your favorite seasonings.
  20. Make muffins and quick breads in large quantities, then freeze them. Make sure your recipes include whole grains, shredded vegetables, and fresh and dried fruits.
  21. Create your own trail mix with unsalted nuts and seeds, whole-grain cereal, and chopped dried fruits in place of the store-bought kind – often high in salt, sugar, and fat.